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Fantasy Gaming

In game Clans

Our goal is to offer the best entertainment and connection for our members to really enjoy and play with each other. We strive to create an organized community for members. We offer as many games and communities within games to make things more unified and enjoyable. We strive to work with other private servers and public game services to bring the best enjoyment. All tags and in-game memberships are only granted to core members of Order of Tri kings.

Call of Duty Regiment 

Our clan regiment was our first organized group. With Order of Tri King being founded playing Call of Duty. We run 3 regiment tags, OTK for the core Clan members, OTQ for Order of Tri Queens, and Our elite players have OKR.

RuneScape Clan

One of our newest clans to Order of Tri Kings. The Order of Tri Kings Clans in Runescape is new but an old game to many of our veteran Members from their youth. So we choose to bring it back as a humbleness to our childhood. 

Rocket League Club

our second oldest organized in-game group. OTK club in Rocket League is for those people that love playing the unique game of Rocket League with no game like it and a lot of competition. We choose to rise up and take the challenge of all.

Fantasy Gaming
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